I come to this post as I develop an open source lib that wrangles some third party hardware into doing what everyone wants via LD_PRELOAD -- after realising my abomination shared C lib with the whole go runtime contained within (naturally has to be executed as root in my context) probably could easily be a rootkit if there was malicious intent.

It's somewhat telling of the software eng of today that I so nonchalently embedded 3mb of whatever the feck inside my massive_unicorn.so to achieve my goal when I have never once in my career even considered memory safety seriously beyond some guy with a beard straining to explain malloc as an undergraduate. I can already hear my veteran coworkers' dismay and the subsequent opportunity to tell them I was considerate enough not to embed 40mb of nodejs. And yes, I admit, there was some limited and tactical use of ChatGPT to get past some dusty old C stuff. I have non-ironically become everything they say we millennials are but if I had given this to my genz reports they' be embedding the whole chromium bin in there.

...I guess I'll recommend building from source

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“Now that the era of shared-use Unix systems is mostly over”

*cough* jumboxes in devops *cough*

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Very cool! Not really the same thing, but reminded me of 'Reflections on Trusting Trust'; https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/358198.358210

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Awesome but your unicorn.so link is dead :-)

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Super fun! :)

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