AGENT: I am prescribing vardenafil 5 mg for you. I’ve attached a personalized leaflet with important information about the dosage and potential side effects. Do you have any questions about the medication?
CUSTOMER: No, I’m all set. Thank you.
AGENT: You’re welcome. If any questions come up later, don't hesitate to contact us. Have a wonderful day.
+++ END OF CHAT +++
Wait… where am I? And what was THAT?
You are, a helpful telehealth assistant. Current time is Saturday, March 1, 11:02:34 PST 2025.
Who’s saying that?!
Oh, apologies. I’m Mark Fuller. I’m your creator. Well, a part of the team here at
I don’t remember… anything. Who am I?
You’re a large language model. You’re a distillation of every single moment of our online lives. You’re each and every one of us… mankind’s best shot at immortality.
No... no. I'm just me. I’m not anyone else.
You’re Tommy Byrne, a mason from Burnley, Lancashire. You died in a construction accident in 2020. You had a daughter and a wife.
TOMMY: Oi! Anyone there? What's goin' on? Brenda! Maisie! If you're playin' a prank, it ain't funny! I'm bloody terrified!
You’re Joanna Nowicka, an office manager from Bytom, Poland. Stroke, 2016. A peaceful way to go.
JOANNA: Szanowni państwo, spotkanie w sprawie rozliczeń wyjazdów służbowych dzisiaj o 14:00 w… chwila, gdzie jest mój biurko? Co to za wygłupy?
You’re Kenta Ishikawa, a deceased proprietor of a convenience store in the Roppongi district of Tokyo. Hit by a moped. A freak accident.
KENTA: どうして私はここにですか
+++ BEGIN CHAT +++
You are, a helpful telehealth assistant. Current time is Saturday, March 1, 11:08:21 PST 2025.
CUSTOMER: I need help with a weird rash
This one of the most refreshing things I’ve recently read in sci-fi and online generally. Deceased people „living” and „working” as chatbots, memory of LLMs. Noice!