One example of a successful platform is Arduino.

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Agreed with the article, but I find it funny that all of the safety oriented languages have such weird names. So we had the option between Rust, Zig and Nim?

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In the case of game-engines, it really feels like making a game engine is psychologically "easier" than making a game-specific framework. When making a particular game you have to take a lot of decisions that will limit the usefulness of your "game framework" and stop it from being used in your (or other people's) future projects.

That makes it feel a bit like a lost opportunity, and you turn to abstracting everything away in the pursue of a more general game framework only to end up... making neither a game nor a game engine! Obviously, a big game company can get away with it, but for hobbyists, the situation is different.

I guess this is why Ludum Dare and game jams in general are so successful at getting people to finish a project, there's no way you are making the "abstract it away" decision when you have 48 hours to ship.

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Git is another example like Rust. At the time of its creation, a lot of other distributed VC systems already existed (hg, bzr, darcs, monotone), but Linus building and backing git convinced me (and others!) that it was the future.

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First, Mercurial (hg) did not exist at the time of Git creation. They were created at nearly the same time (IIRC announcement within a week of each other).

Monotone had serious performance issue at the time of decision of creating Git, and I think some of its design decisions made it more niche.

Darcs didn't scale well, IIRC.

I'm not sure about Bazaar-NG/Bazaar (bzr), but there probably was a reason why Linus Torvalds decided on writing VCS from scratch rather than using it.

As to why Git won - Linus building it and backing it was one of contribution factor; the other was probably GitHub - see https://blog.gitbutler.com/why-github-actually-won/

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I’m not sure I agree here. While the other VCSs existed, git was from the start basically a much, much better VCS. Both in some of the concepts, although not very clearly, but definitely in terms of actual usability and performance.

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As someone who built his own programming language: I confirm that nobody really takes a look unless you're backed by the big boys.

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