There's something about this video that makes it so satisfying to watch. May be the combination of beautiful snowy landscape + heavy machinery 💫

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Many props to you for taking the challenge to move out beyond the edge of civilization. One thing I learned growing up in a very rural environment - though requiring nowhere near as self-sufficiency as your situation - is that nature doesn't care about your politics, ideology, or stance on current events. Nature just IS. As an example, it's easy to rail against gas-powered small engines in the city, until you're faced with hiking 2 miles out into the woods to remove a tree. If you're gonna be out there for a while, especially in the cold, it's a lot easier to tote a 1 gallon gas can than the alternative. And please, guys, I'm not trying to be flippant or attack anyone. I just wanted to emphasize the point that reality sometimes intrudes on us in unexpected ways, and not everything is as easy as a black and white decision. I wish you all the best of luck in your new corner of the world!

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