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For readers wondering if the information in this series applies to other SAM series MCUs from Microchip, the answer is generally "yes". Cortex-M4 chips (SAM E5x, D5x, G5x, and 4x) are particularly close and differ chiefly in performance, price, and the physical ordering of pins.

The applicability to Cortex-M chips from other manufacturers is a more complicated story. The cores are the same, so certain aspects of the tutorial - e.g., SysTick and NVIC - should translate directly. On the flip side, on-die peripherals, such as the GPIO controller or the clock subsystem, tend to be vendor-specific, and will use somewhat different keywords or semantics.

As a trivial example, on a SAM chip, this is how you output "1" on PA5:

PIOA->PIO_ODSR = (1 << 5);

The same on an STM32 chip may look like this:

GPIOA->ODR = (1 << 5);

The differences can go beyond labels. For example, the clock generation and distribution architecture is different on STM32. That said, the same general concepts apply: there are register-selectable clock sources, prescalers, and programmable PLLs. In other words, the knowledge transfers easily, but implementation details do not.

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