Quality over quantity! Robisz świętną robotę, doceniamy!

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I normally don't comment on any posts. And I don't really have any valuable input other than... I love the kitty picture so much. It's so adorable :D

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Your audience is even larger than that: subscriptions don’t count those who, like me, follow along via the RSS feed. I would subscribe if I could do so without receiving email, but that’s impossible on Substack.

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Joined today, good timing I guess. Congrats!

Since you asked: I'm looking for good intros into electricity and electronics, I've read most of yours and think they're really good.

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I just subscribed a few days ago. Glad to be in the high 4900's and get you over the arbitrary, but meaningful, line. The world needs more like you.

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Congratulations! Thanks for what you do.

I've been enjoying your newsletter for a few months, so thanks also for the links to the older posts.

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