Cały pański artykuł można skrócić w jednym zdaniu "Pracownik nie jest winien swemu pracodawcy służalczości i posłuszeństwa. Jest mu jednie winien usługę, za która otrzymuje zapłatę, będaca nie łaska, lecz zasłużonym wynagrodzeniem." - Ludwig von Mises.

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I know you specifically state the intent of the post was not to be anti-capitalist, but the mention of hiring freshly graduated college students and moving them miles away from home with only a job to form relationships is a crazy predatory tactic I never knew even existed. While I doubt this was outright the intent of the companies, it's still a bewildering realization I hadn't had until now.

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Should motivate all of us to reconnect with old friends and colleagues. Good straight read, this is.

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“It’s just work.”

Hard to remember sometimes.

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