Hey there! Appreciate your writings! One thing that I was hoping to find is how are you getting your C code compiled and flashed to the MCU? Ie what programmers are you using (off shelf or home-made) etc. Any chance you are planning to write a post on that topic?

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For a variant put together by a reader, check out: https://twitter.com/rgerganov/status/1623000100229328898

I believe it's based on an earlier revision that I shared on Twitter & Mastodon, but the fundamental approach is the same.

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I've been reading the posts and while I appreciate the demystification part, I'm not sold on them being viable alternatives 😄

In other words, I have a new-found appreciation for everything that OS-based devices abstract away.

Anyway, thanks for writing these - you inspired me to learn more about this stuff

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One-part schematics here: https://lcamtuf.coredump.cx/soft/playback.pdf

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