Bonus clip: ghost rabbit - the disintegration of Buddhabrot:


High-res versions of the last Buddhabrot:

https://lcamtuf.coredump.cx/fractals/buddhabrot_shadow.jpg (with Mandelbrot overlay)

https://lcamtuf.coredump.cx/fractals/buddhabrot_no_shadow.jpg (w/o overlay)

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Nice. I wonder how cryptographic attacks seen through the lens of fractals work in terms of analyzing the escape or pull of pixels or tessellations out of fractals, and what the "touching" across the escape or pull path tells you about a function and so on. Way beyond my intelligence and skills, but still, fractals fascinate me, and I always had a weird feeling that they were related to cryptography (glad to see someone mention them in the same article, in a way) and thus cryptanalysis (keep in mind that I know nothing practical about these things, but the topics are fascinating). Check out something called "fractal strings", it's pretty interesting if not mind-blowing. Cheers.

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